Patients experiences

If Streptokill helped you and you write us about your experience, we will give you one Streptokill for free with another Streptokill purchased in our official e-shop

What patients say about streptokill

If Streptokill helped you and you write us about your experience, we will give you one Streptokill for free with another Streptokill purchased in our official e-shop

Jarmila Šenová
Czech republic

Streptokil has been used by our whole family for many years, as a disinfectant, for abrasions and small wounds, for cold sores, colds and other ailments. It speeds up healing and definitely helps.

Streptokil používá celá naše rodina už mnoho let, jako dezinfekci, na odřeniny a drobné rány, na opary, na rýmu a další neduhy. Urychluje hojení a určitě pomáhá.

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Czech republic

Streptokill must never be missing in our home, the whole family uses it. Works great for sore throats, canker sores, sore gums, cold sores....Definitely recommend.....Marla

Streptokill u nás doma nesmí nikdy chybět, používáme ho celá rodina. Skvěle funguje na bolest v krku, afty, podrážděné dásně, opary....Rozhodně doporučuji.....Marla

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Marcela Pokorná
Czech republic

We use Streptokill for almost everything, except for sore throats, wounds, canker sores, cold sores, in the nose for colds, and in the ear. It's great and everyone I've recommended it to already uses it too.

Streptokill používáme snad už na všechno, kromě bolesti v krku i na rány, afty, opary, do nosu na rýmu, ucha. Je skvělý a každý komu jsem ho doporučila už ho používá taky.

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Jitka Smělá
Czech republic

After two applications, it helped with the sore throat. He cured the grandmother of herpes.

Po dvou aplikacích pomohl od bolení v krku. Babičce vyléčil opar.

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